Friday, November 13, 2009

Facebook Ad

Well, I decided to give my facebook ad a try. For some reason, I couldn't load step 2, so I didn't get an image inserted, however I did get a print screen.

I chose to model my Facebook ad on my drupal site I'm working on in the Web Development class. The title includes the name of my site and the fact that it is an online community. The description tells what features the website has.

I didn't really think this assignment was that difficult, but that's probably because i'm used to writing smaller sentences such as Facebook statuses. It only took me a few minutes to come up with a sentence that made sense and fit all that I wanted to say.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I don't think any of you know this, but back in August my dad had to have a heart bypass surgery down at the Dayton Heart Center. Everything went fine with the surgery, and my dad has been going to rehab here in town at the Wayne Hospital rehab center. For part of his rehab, he is supposed to walk more. Several times a week, I have been going for walks with my dad and my brother. On last Sunday, we did a 45 minute walk in our neighborhood. We live out in the country so we can walk on the roads without much traffic. My dad took his pedometer with him and it turns out we managed to walk over 2 and a half miles in 45 minutes. So i'm very happy with our results.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Here is the interview I conducted at my aunt's house in October.

"My name is Cindy Ploch. I've been involved in birdwatching for more than a quarter of a century. After my mom passed away, I just needed to get away by myself, and I just stumbled across this whole concept of birdwatching and I started taking it up as a hobby.

I have seen over three hundred and fifty different species of birds. When I go out birdwatching, any new bird that I see is called a life bird. So it's always my goal every year to increase the number of life birds that I see. I have several favorite birds, one of them being a cardinal. I like cardinals because that was one of my mom's favorite birds. Then I also like hummingbirds, because shortly before my dad passed away, he gave me a lot of things that had related to hummingbirds, such as figurines and some jewelery, even some note cards. Every time I see a cardinal or a hummingbird, I think of them.

I've taken several long distance trips. One into Florida, one into Texas, a couple up toward Maine, even one in Canada. Which one's been my favorite? Well, I think maybe the one to Florida, because that was the first really long distance trip that I took, and I was able to see a number of life birds. Also I went to a place called Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge and there were a lot of birds I had never seen before, and they were all different colors such as the Rosiette Spoonbill - Rosiette means that it's pink, and Spoonbill - well, that kinda describes the shape of it's bill, like a spoon! There are times when we don't see very many birds, and I say we because I'm a member of the local birding club, and even though we might not see any unusual birds, or I might not see any life birds, a lot of times it's just the company that I'm with. Because my fellow birders and I, well, we're great friends.

If you want to take up birdwatching, remember one important thing, and that is you don't have to buy any kind of equipment to see birds, as long as you have a fairly good set of eyes, you can see birds everywhere. But on the other hand, if you get really, really, really interested in it, you can buy very expensive binoculars, spotting scopes, a lot of people even buy special camera equipment. There's a lot of people who have been hunters in the past, and they end up becoming excellent birdwatchers."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stupid People

I saw the dumbest story on the channel 7 noon news today. Somewhere in the Miami Valley, a duplex caught fire this morning. It damaged both sides of the duplex, so two families are currently out of a home, the Red Cross is involved, and so on. Well, the reason why it caught fire just really makes you wonder about some people... what happened was, a man on an oxygen tank was smoking, and he dropped the cigarette on the tubes connecting to the tank! Is it just me, or are there several things wrong with that story?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Time Warner Cable, ugh

Well, I was trying to think of something to blog about, and it just hit me. My internet has been so slow all day today. I have Time Warner Cable Roadrunner out here, I thought it was supposed to be fast. Well, you might say that it's shared between other users, that's true but I live out in the country, outside of Greenville. It's not really that heavily populated out here, so what's the problem? Some days it's blazing fast, other times it's crawling... today is just one of those bad days. But we're pretty much stuck with it, as DSL is our only other option, and as far as I know thats even slower. Great.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So I've been using my new facebook more and more, so far I only have a few friends on there, but I am slightly annoyed by the chat. Don't get me wrong, I like talking to my friends, but there's one person who IMs me a lot and we never have anything to say and she gets mad at me for not talking. It's a long story. (none of you guys, don't worry, lol) I have a dilemma though, if I block this said person, they will probably find out from another friend. Facebook, it's such a drama maker. :/

Does anyone know if it is possible to only include select friends in the chat list? I know, it sounds so mean.

Friday, October 9, 2009


This is a good news blog. Today I was working on my drupal site, and even though I still have a long way to go to make it look right, I now have:
A blog
A forum
An image uploader
And... an image gallery

I'm very happy with what I have so far, and if you want to check it out, it's located here:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


There was a huge difference in reading the essay, and watching it being read on the "Late Show with David Letterman" clip. In reading the essay, it was harder to tell the tone, even though you knew it was humorous, it was much funnier watching the clip, where Sedakis was able to show the full emotion of the essay. I do think the laughter of the audience was what kept him going, in an effort to appear even more humorous.


I just read the first article for this week's assignments. I am bothered by the whole idea of vooks, and other electronic items such as the Kindle, for two reasons.

One: I like to read, I always have. I'm the type of person who goes to the library once every 3 weeks and comes home with a gigantic pile of books. Every night, when I'm done watching some late night comedy, I stay up until 1:30-2am reading a book. Vooks would ruin that for me.

Two: I spend enough time throughout the day on the computer, getting headaches from looking at the screen... I wouldn't want to spend more time looking at a small screen reading a book.

It might be nice to have videos in addition to the book, but to have it be necessary, or the means of reading the book, isn't a good idea to me.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Once I got my webhosting all sorted, I installed the newest version of Drupal available. I personally found more resources online for Drupal than with Joomla, and even a whole website dedicated to Drupal websites,

Maybe I'm setting my goals way too high right now, but I do not understand how to make any Drupal site look as good as the ones showcased on that site. I can't even figure out how to make custom links just yet. I have to do more research....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Last night I was on hostmonster, checking out domain names before I buy one.
I wanted something simple with my name in it, since this is my first domain name.

I looked up "Heatheronline" to see what was available. The .com suffix was already taken, even though it's a basic site that's not even in use right now. However, four are available, .org, .info, .biz, and .us. I did some research last night, and found out that both the .info and .us suffixes are available for public use, have no restrictions such as the .edu suffix for educational purposes, and .mil for military purposes. I also found out that there are new web suffixes that have recently been put in use, such as .aero for the Air Transportation industry, and .coop for co-operatives.

I will be buying my new domain name soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Makes for a Good Blog?

Good blogs have a voice.
Good blogs reflect focused obsessions.
Good blogs are the product of “Attention times Interest.”
Good blog posts are made of paragraphs.
Good “non-post” blogs have style and curation.
Good blogs are weird.
Good blogs make you want to start your own blog.
Good blogs try.
Good blogs know when to break their own rules.

I agree with all the statements made in that article. All the blogs I've ever seen have had a specific purpose, whatever the user's hobby might be, anything, ranging from sports, to tv shows, to web design, on any other hobby. A good blogger, or any person conversing on the internet, should have good typing skills. People get annoyed very quickly by people who type in chat speak and can not put a complete sentence together correctly. However, a good blog can be done without a load of words, as many photographers can use their blog as an online portfolio.

Either way, the main way to attract attention to a blog is simple, be creative!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I haven't kept up on this

I'm a little confused as to what to do with this to be honest. I understand how blogging works of course, but I really just don't know what to blog about. I haven't forgotten about this however, and I will check out that link in the email tomorrow and post an update.

Friday, September 4, 2009

CMS and Webhosting

I'm currently searching for inexpensive webhosting services to use for my NET 116 class. This is what I've found so far.

Drupal: : $10 a month, 9000 GB bandwidth, 2000 GB diskspace Unlimited everything, 7.95 a month Unlimited everything, 6.95 a month

Joomla: : $4.95 a month, unlimited traffic and diskspace : $2.55 a month, 10000 GB data transfer, 1000 GB space : $4.88 a month, unlimited traffic and space : $6.95 a month

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Do a Blog Roll

I don't usually read blogs to be honest because I just never got too interested with them, however I decided to do a bit of research today, and I think these four blogs are interesting. Two of them are from the Google team, who now owns Blogger (along with Youtube and probably many other popular websites).

The other two are artistic blogs, both are fun to check out.

Gmail Blog:

Official Google Blog:

Photographing the Days:


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

NET 225

I've finally stopped being lazy and made my blog for this class, NET 225, Writing for Electronic Media. I'm currently in my second year at Edison, preparing to graduate in the spring.

Blogging is one of those things i've never really kept up on, i've made accounts in the past, i have a different blog on this account, which I last wrote in about January? I had another one as well for my Comp I class last fall but I think I lost the password to that one.